Bank of America Help Center - Get Your Questions Answered (2024)

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Our Client Care Commitment

We know you work hard to make life better for yourself and the people you care about most. We believe in providing solutions to help you do this throughout your life. Because we value your relationship with us, our promise to you is to always listen to you, provide advice when you need it, and strive to exceed your expectations. Every one of us at Bank of America believes in this promise and strives to deliver on it each day. And it's the reason we will always approach your needs with a question centered squarely on you.

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",btnText1:"Continue",btnText2:{bol:"Cancel"},modalHeaderBg:{bol:""}},"bol-SIPC":{header:"Benefits OnLine®",body:"

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",btnText1:"Continue",btnText2:{edge:"Cancel",enterprise:"Cancel","co-brand":"Cancel",default:"Cancel"},modalHeaderBg:{edge:"",enterprise:"","enterprise-two":"","co-brand":"","small-biz":"",default:""}},"leaving-and-language":{header:"You're continuing to another website",body:"

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",btnText1:"Continue",btnText2:{bol:"Cancel"},modalHeaderBg:{bol:""}}},bankHolidays:["01/01/2020","01/20/2020","02/17/2020","05/25/2020","09/07/2020","10/12/2020","11/11/2020","11/26/2020","12/25/2020","01/01/2021","01/18/2021","02/15/2021","05/31/2021","07/05/2021","09/06/2021","10/11/2021","11/11/2021","11/25/2021","12/25/2021","01/01/2022","01/17/2022","02/21/2022","05/30/2022","06/20/2022","07/04/2022","09/05/2022","10/10/2022","11/11/2022","11/24/2022","12/25/2022","01/02/2023","01/16/2023","02/20/2023","05/29/2023","06/19/2023","07/04/2023","09/04/2023","10/09/2023","11/11/2023","11/23/2023","12/25/2023","01/01/2024","01/15/2024","02/19/2024","05/27/2024","06/19/2024","07/04/2024","09/02/2024","10/14/2024","11/11/2024","11/28/2024","12/25/2024","01/01/2025","01/20/2025","02/17/2025","05/26/2025","06/19/2025","07/04/2025","09/01/2025","10/13/2025","11/11/2025","11/27/2025","12/25/2025","01/01/2026","01/19/2026","02/16/2026","05/25/2026","06/19/2026","07/04/2026","09/07/2026","10/12/2026","11/11/2026","11/26/2026","12/25/2026","01/01/2027","01/18/2027","02/15/2027","05/31/2027","06/19/2027","07/05/2027","09/06/2027","10/11/2027","11/11/2027","11/25/2027","12/25/2027"],validationErrors:{validationErrorTitle:"[errorMessages.length] items need your attention",alphaOnly:"Enter only letters.",numberOnly:"Enter only numbers.",noNumbers:"Do not enter numbers.",alphaNumeric:"Enter only letters and numbers.",nameCharacters:{allowSpecialChars:"Enter only letters, spaces, apostrophes ('), periods (.) and hyphens (-).",noSpecialChars:"Enter only letters and spaces."},mailingAddress:"Enter a valid mailing address. (No P.O. Boxes)",streetAddress:"Start with a letter or number and follow with only letters, numbers, spaces, hyphens (-), slashes (/), periods (.) and pound signs (#).",cityCounty:"Start with a letter and follow with only letters, spaces and hyphens (-).",cityCanada:"Start with a letter and follow with only letters, spaces, periods (.), commas (,), apostrophes (') and hyphens (-).",stateCode:"Enter only letters.",intlStreetAddress:"Enter only letters, numbers, spaces, hyphens (-), slashes (/), periods (.), commas (,), apostrophes (') and pound signs (#).",unitNumber:"Enter only letters, numbers, spaces, hyphens (-), periods (.), apostrophes (') and pound signs (#).",phone:"Enter exactly 10 digits.",email:"Enter only letters, numbers, dots (.), underscores (_) and hyphens (-) in the format",phoneOrEmail:"Enter a 10-digit phone number or an email address using only letters, numbers, dots (.), underscores (_) and hyphens (-) in the format",zip:"Enter the 5- or 9-digit ZIP code in the format ##### or #####-####.",ssn:"Enter exactly 9 digits.",ein:"Enter exactly 9 digits.",idCharacters:"Enter only letters, numbers and asterisks (*).",numericValue:"Enter only numbers with up to $0 decimal place(s).",integer:"Enter only whole numbers (no decimals).",currency:"Enter only numbers and a decimal.",dateFormat:{fullDate:"Enter a valid month, day and year separated by non-numeric characters (MM/DD/YYYY).",monthYearDate:"Enter a valid month and year separated by non-numeric characters (MM/YYYY)."},startDate:"Enter a date on or after $0.",endDate:"Enter a date on or before $0.",dateRange:"Enter a date between $0 and $1.",minLength:"Enter at least $0 characters.",maxLength:"Enter no more than $0 characters.",lengthRange:"Enter between $0 and $1 characters.",minValue:"Enter a numeric value of $0 or more.",maxValue:"Enter a numeric value of $0 or less.",valueRange:"Enter a numeric value between $0 and $1.",multipleOf:"Enter a multiple of $0.",maxRepeatedChar:"$0 repeated too much. Please enter a different value.",isNotSingleRepeatingChar:"$0 is not a valid value.",sameAsField:"Enter a value that matches $0.",notSameAsField:"Enter a value different from $0.",isNotValue:"Enter a valid $0.",customPattern:"***You must supply a custom message when using the 'customerPattern' rule***",customFunction:"***You must supply a custom message when using the 'customFunction' rule***",required:"This field is required",namePrefix:"Enter only letters.",nameSuffix:"Enter only letters.",nameGeneration:"Enter only letters.","AML.firstName":"$0 is not a valid value.","AML.middleName":"$0 is not a valid value.","AML.lastName":"$0 is not a valid value.","AML.namePrefix":"$0 is not a valid value.","AML.nameSuffix":"$0 is not a valid value.","AML.nameGeneration":"$0 is not a valid value.","AML.businessName":"$0 is not a valid value.","AML.addressLine1":"$0 is not a valid value.","AML.addressLine2":"$0 is not a valid value.","AML.cityCounty":"$0 is not a valid value.","AML.stateCode":"$0 is not a valid value.","AML.zipCode":"$0 is not a valid value.","AML.countryCode":"$0 is not a valid value.","AML.dateOfBirth":"$0 is not a valid value.","AML.ssn":"Enter a valid SSN value.","AML.tin":"Enter a valid TIN value.","AML.itin":"Enter a valid ITIN value.","AML.ein":"Enter a valid EIN value."},formErrorMessaging:{btnHideErrors:"Hide additional errors",btnShowErrors:"Show additional errors"},inputs:{openHelp:"Open information for ",closeHelp:"Close information for ",textareaCharRemaining:"characters remaining.",textareaLimitExceeded:"Limit exceeded.",masking:{actions:{hide:"Hide",show:"Show"},inactive:"The value of this field will be hidden from view when not active",instructions:{default:"this value",message:"(the value will be hidden again in 5 seconds)"},securityText:"This value has been hidden for security reasons"}},inputsCombobox:{inputLabel:"Search",ariaLabel:"Search",searchBtn:"Search",dataSearching:"Searching",noDataErrorTitle:"Searching",noDataError:"No results or we are unable to retrieve your data.",controlReset:"Reset",controlToggleOpen:"Toggle",inputInvalid:"Enter a valid value."},favicons:{links:[{rel:"apple-touch-icon",sizes:"180x180",href:""},{rel:"icon",sizes:"32x32",type:"image/png",href:""},{rel:"icon",sizes:"16x16",type:"image/png",href:""},{rel:"icon",sizes:"192x192",href:""},{rel:"mask-icon",color:"#6e6e6e",href:""},{rel:"shortcut icon",href:""}],metas:[{name:"msapplication-TileColor",content:"#ffffff"},{name:"msapplication-TileImage",content:""},{name:"theme-color",content:"#ffffff"}]},structuredData:{corporation:{context:"",type:"Corporation",name:"Bank of America",url:"",logo:""},organization:{context:"",type:"Organization",name:"Bank of America",url:"",logo:""}},messagingIcons:{warning:'',error:'',info:'',success:''},messageIconText:{warning:"warning",error:"error",info:"info",success:"success"},accordions:{statusIconADAText:{error:", contains an error message",warning:", contains an warning message",success:", contains a success message"}},squeezeboxes:{statusIconADAText:{error:", contains an error message",warning:", contains an warning message",success:", contains a success message"}},tabNavigation:{dropdown:"entering dropdown menu layer"},smallImage:"",video:{play:"Play video",replay:"Replay video",pause:"Pause video",rewind:"Rewind video","fast-forward":"Fast-forward video",captions:{enable:{titleAttr:"Captions toggle",ariaLabel:"Enable closed captioning",string:"Press enter to enable closed captioning."},disable:{titleAttr:"Captions toggle",ariaLabel:"Disable closed captioning",string:"Press enter to disable closed captioning."}},fullscreen:{on:{titleAttr:"Full-screen toggle",string:"Press enter to enable full-screen mode"},off:{titleAttr:"Full-screen toggle",string:"Press enter to exit full-screen mode"}},transcript:{header:"Transcript",show:"View transcript",hide:"Hide transcript",collapsed:"Transcript collapsed",expanded:"Transcript expanded"},"time-elapsed":"00:00","time-total":"00:00","volume-up":"Volume up","volume-down":"Volume down","volume-control":{titleAttr:"Volume control",ariaLabel:"Press enter to activate volume control. Use the Up and Down arrow keys to adjust the volume."},status:{loadingStarted:"Loading video",loadingComplete:"Loading complete"}},pagination:{first:"First",previous:"Previous",next:"Next",last:"Last",showing:"Showing",showingNext:"Showing next",to:"to",of:"of",display:"Rows",pageType:"Page",rowsPerPage:"Rows per page",results:"results",for:"for",showMoreRows:"Show more rows",selectNumberOfResults:"Select the number of results per page that you would like displayed",selectPageNumber:"Select the page number that you would like displayed"},dataTable:{noDataErrorTitle:"Alert",noDataError:"We are currently unable to retrieve your data. Please try again later.",sorting:{iconSortable:"column is sortable",iconDirection:"column is sorted",directionAsc:"ascending",directionDsc:"descending"}},chips:{groupFilterLabel:"Filter Options",chipReset:"Reset [chipText] options [chipValue] back to default.",chipPolite:"[chipText] has changed from [layerCurrent] to [layerNow]"},spinner:{cancelBtn:"Cancel",retryBtn:"Try again"},whiteListDomains:{allEnv:["","","","","","","","","","",""],nonProdEnvOnly:["","","","","","","",""]},carousels:{ariaLabelPrev:"Previous",ariaLabelNext:"Next",ariaLabel:"Slide [slideIndex] of [slidesLength]"},skeletonLoader:{pageLoadingStart:"Page loading started",pageLoadingComplete:"Page loading complete",pageLoadingMultiStart:"One or more page sections are loading",pageLoadingMultiComplete:"All page sections are now loaded",sectionLoadingStart:"Section loading in progress",sectionLoadingComplete:"Section loading complete"},progressStepper:{complete:"complete",incomplete:"incomplete",current:"current",error:"error",statusText:"Status: ",stepText:"step",stepTextOf:"of",statusSpacer:" with "}},es:{globalText:{copy:"©",year:"2024",boaCorp:"Bank of America Corporation.",allRightsReserved:"Todos los derechos reservados."},footnote:{adaText:"Nota"},globalJs:{closeADALabel:"x: ",closeText:"cerrar",closeLayerADAText:"Ventana modal",closeModalADAText:"Ventana modal",closeMessageADAText:"Mensaje",openText:"abrir",show:"mostrar",hide:"cultar",continueText:"Continuar",cancel:"Cancelar",carouselItem:"Elemento",carouselItemOf:"de",disabledText:"Desactivado",optionalText:"opcional",layerStart:"Inicio de contenido en ventana modal",layerEnd:"Fin de contenido en ventana modal"},sprites:{message:""},layers:{modalHeaderBackgrounds:{edge:"",enterprise:"","enterprise-two":"","co-brand":"","small-biz":"",default:""},"leaving-site":{header:"Va a entrar a otro sitio web",body:"

Está a punto de entrar a un sitio web cuya propiedad o administración no pertenecen a Bank of America. El propietario del sitio es el único responsable del contenido, los productos y servicios ofrecidos, y el nivel de seguridad del sitio web, por lo que debe consultar la política de privacidad y los términos de uso publicados en el sitio. Es posible que la información proporcionada en el sitio web esté disponible solo en inglés.

",btnText1:"Continuar",btnText2:{edge:"Cancelar",enterprise:"Cancelar","co-brand":"Cancelar",default:"Cancelar"},modalHeaderBg:{edge:"",enterprise:"","enterprise-two":"","co-brand":"","small-biz":"",default:""}},"language-change":{header:"Va a entrar a una página que podría estar en inglés",body:"

Es posible que el contenido, las solicitudes y los documentos asociados con los productos y servicios específicos en esa página estén disponibles solo en inglés. Antes de escoger un producto o servicio, asegúrese de haber leído y entendido todos los términos y condiciones provistos.

",btnText1:"Continuar",btnText2:{edge:"Cancelar",enterprise:"Cancelar","co-brand":"Cancelar",default:"Cancelar"},modalHeaderBg:{edge:"",enterprise:"","enterprise-two":"","co-brand":"","small-biz":"",default:""}},"leaving-and-language":{header:"Va a entrar a otro sitio web",body:"

Está a punto de entrar a un sitio web cuya propiedad o administración no pertenecen a Bank of America. El propietario del sitio es el único responsable del contenido, los productos y servicios ofrecidos, y el nivel de seguridad del sitio web, por lo que debe consultar la política de privacidad y los términos de uso publicados en el sitio. Es posible que la información proporcionada en el sitio web esté disponible solo en inglés.

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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.